Monday 11 July 2011

Field Kitchen

I saw a blog this morning, the name escapes me, but she had set up an outdoor kitchen for her children so this morning we had to wait in for UPS and they always want to cook or make potions and I'm not dreadfully keen on mud pies old cobweb covered camping table, an ikea bedside table (we have 4 of these I think lying around lol), few bits from the kitchen, mint, mud, comfrey flowers, grass, washing up bowl from an an old sweet tub ........and we have had a bakers and a cafe this morning. This can stay for a while I think :)
The chickens were very interested in it all and I think ate some things they possibly shouldn't have!

New fabric :) love the smell of new fabric! The Dr Seuss looks fab.

1 comment:

936000 said...

What a great idea! Looks like they had a great time.