Saw our first enormous bumble bee last week, the size of my thumb. It's so cold now I hope he makes it.
Charm the buzzard who thinks he's human.
Fluffy (yes that is his name!) the barn owl.
They also have a brilliant play area.
Chatting to one of the handlers it would seem our nocturnal visitor is probably a tawny owl, going to look into putting up a box somewhere.
Our trees finally arrived, oak, ash, 'thorn and rowan, plus I chopped down a boot full of willow from a friends garden that was in need of a trim. got half of it in so far.
All seedlings are increasing in size every day, the tingly energy coming out of them is amazing.
Edan's birthday treat was a visit to the local owl sanctuary and while it was a lovely sunny day there was a bitterly cold wind.
Charm the buzzard who thinks he's human.

I got to fly a barn owl and he landed on the boys as well which they were initially a little scared of but loved it when that split second of fear realised there was nothing to be afraid of.

Chatting to one of the handlers it would seem our nocturnal visitor is probably a tawny owl, going to look into putting up a box somewhere.
It's spring like here and dearly beloved has planted onion, put spuds in and he's put tom and cucumber seeds in - it's on the way
We have a tawny owl around somewhere, as I hear it at night. We also have a buzzard and a sparrowhawk who I spot fairly regularly.
What are you doing with the willow? I'd love the space to do a living structure.
We had an enormous Bumble Bee in our bedroom the other night - freed him through the window.
Sounds like your busy with the trees and seedlings coming on.
Tho Owl sanctuary looks great, not sure I could handle one myself though, not too keen on birds too close to me.
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