We've spent the last weekend at a local festival. I had a stall and the boys ran free for a weekend!

It was a bit of a shock discovering that a festival with children was not quite the same as festivals pre children !
Also quite shocked at the number of people smoking whilst wearing their children! I can't quite comprehend how people can think it's OK to inflict their smoke on their children.
Because of where we camped the noise was awful, hopefully the next one will be quieter as we will be in the family field where hopefully a stag do will not be camping right next to us and the main stage will be a few fields away!
I got to do a lovely yoga workshop and have found a class which starts after bedtime so I should be able to start going regularly again.
There was a good childrens area and the boys seemed to enjoy it when they weren't being tired and grumpy through lack of sleep.
Can't wait for the next one, we may need to buy a roof rack though.
It only took half an hour to drive home but they were both spark out when we arrived.