Beautiful Days tickets have landed!
Carl finally has an archy doodah! Covered here while he attacks the knotweed for the millionth time this year but he has been playing with bows and arrows lots.

We have a bee colony in our hedge, fascinating white tailed bumble bees I could watch them buzz about all day!

Our new tent :) (The other one a Vango Diablo is up for sale if anyone is interested)

Radio Flyer wagon for fun and festivals! The boys LOVE this.

Carl finally has an archy doodah! Covered here while he attacks the knotweed for the millionth time this year but he has been playing with bows and arrows lots.

We have a bee colony in our hedge, fascinating white tailed bumble bees I could watch them buzz about all day!

Our new tent :) (The other one a Vango Diablo is up for sale if anyone is interested)

Radio Flyer wagon for fun and festivals! The boys LOVE this.