After our final ex battery chickens were taken by the fox we decided not to have anymore. The red mite, the fox, new baby, all played a part in the decision. Now the new baby is 2 and wants chickens. So C has built a fabulous chicken house with attached run and a neighbour over the fields wanted to get rid of hers so we took them. The house/run works really well so we can pop them in the run when we go out which affords more protection from the fox.
They are laying really well (we have 2 black X breeds and a Silkie) names will be decided soon.
The small veg patch is the only one we are using this year, the two big ones in the field are just too much to manage. Not many tomatoes have germinated for some reason this year but the butternut squashes are coming on really well. We've also had our first strawberries, so sweet and hot from the sun. Cucumbers got munched by something so starting all over again with them. As long as we get some stuff I don't mind too much, I can't wait until the boys are older and they can be a help rather than making more work lol